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Surface Mounted Speakers & Anti-Vandal Mic System

This speech transfer system is specifically designed for the sneeze guards going into grocery and retail stores today. It improves communication at fixed screen counters by amplifying speech for both parties while minimizing background noise and actively reducing acoustic feedback.

Speech transfer systems are suitable for any window intercom situations where one-to-one communication takes place through the glass at a counter, booth, or desk.





Dynamic Detection Display

The Dynamic Detection Display utilizes advanced thermal detection technology to quickly scan internal body temperatures.  Combined with intuitive EZ-Pass software, it can quickly identify potential safety threats  and can help mitigate large-scale exposure.





People Counter System

COVID-19 has presented us with unprecedented challenges. One of these challenges is the need to socially distance in places of business. The People Counter Solution, situated at the entry allows patron occupancy to be regulated at safe levels, allowing everyone to maintain proper social distancing.