Safety In Your Workplace
In addition to our cutting edge and cost effective audio visual solutions, Shanahan has expanded its product lines to provide a new portfolio of health & safety equipment tailored to help us all adapt with the changes brought forth in our day to day lives by the COVID-19 virus. Our goal is to make your businesses and services operational while providing the utmost of safety precautions to your staff and clients. As we continue to practice social distancing, we hope these new technologies will help create a better “new normal” for our future.
The Shanahan Team
Speech Transfer Systems
To work conjunction with the plexi-glass hygiene barriers at checkout counters and kiosks, we worked with our long-term partner Contacta to improve communication between the glass surface. Their Speech Transfer System allows clear audio to pass between the wall using a dual microphone element that is purposely built to mount to a glass surface, and a speaker that is mounted on the other side of the wall. This system is an all in one unit and can be quickly deployed on glass or plexi-glass walls. Read More ...
Dynamic Detection Display
In partnering with Goodview, we are offering a quickly deployed thermal detection and mask recognition camera. The camera reads the persons temperature, and detects if he/she is wearing a mask. Read More ...
People Counter
Utilizing existing security camera technologies, Bosch has developed a people counter software that can be used to traffic customers entering and exiting a building. In following state guidelines to regulate occupancy within businesses and gathering spaces, this technology aims to streamline the monitoring and counting process at the entrance of your business. Read More ...